Friday, August 20, 2010


There are only two toilets to choose from.
One male, one female.
The one you're supposed to use is being occupied.
Will you sneak into the other one?
What a dilemma!

If you're male, the answer would most probably be yes.
But if you're female, the answer would most definitely be no.

The office's common toilets are undergoing some renovations which will take a couple of months. They have not left all 150 of us in the lurch. On our floor, we have one toilet of each gender available. We are also allowed to use the toilets located on the floor immediately above or a couple of floors above (access by elevators which take a minute to get to you) or the ones located on the ground floor (which can be used by the general public).

When you're busting for the loo, will you close both eyes and just use the one that's available, even if it's not labeled to match your gender? I wouldn't... the thought of having to use a male toilet which has been used by someone who's not remotely related to me just doesn't sit well with me...

As a result of this, I've noticed that there are more males than females on the floor *grin*

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