Friday, August 6, 2010


After this mixer dies, I wanna buy a KitchenAid. I haven't been toying with that idea ever since I started baking which is EONS ago! But I'm not getting any younger and in this day and age, you'd want to have every modern ingenuity.

When did I start to bake? Let's see. Home Ec? Before that? When did we start Home Ec classes? At the age of 13? I'm sure I started baking before then.

I have a butter cake recipe which I thought I had down to a T. I could go through the motions of mixing the batter and baking the cake with my original recipe, but I've been playing around with the recipe through the years. Don't ask me why and I've heard the saying "If it's not broke, don't fix it" but my current recipe is really yummy, even by my standards.

The only thing that remains constant is the tablespoon of vanilla essence, 5 eggs and butter, all 250gms of it. The sugar has dropped tremendously, the flour has been tweaked with some coarse semolina and the milk has been increased to make the cake moist.

As I'm writing this, the cake is baking in the oven... yummy smells fill the house *grin*

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