Saturday, August 14, 2010

Food Blog : Fish Sausages

I know, it doesn't sound right, does it? But it's oh-so delicious!

Also known as Keropok Lekor, these fried fish sausages can be found yummiest in Malaysia. I've tried them in Singapore and it's just not the same. Hailing from Trengganu and made with fish meat and sago flour, they really look like sausages, cylindrical in shape. Putting them through the huge kuali filled with oil, they come out crispy with a slightly chewy filling.

Every time the hubs and I go back to visit his parents, we'll swing by the make shift stall by the road side about 5 minutes from their place. The stall only opens in the afternoons and many people stop by to buy some fried bananas, tapioca, sweet potato, yam and I've even seen them provide fried popiah and nasi lemak. But I beeline for the Lekors and fried bananas.

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