Sunday, August 22, 2010

Junk Food Blog : Sweet Chili & Sour Cream Chips

It's a junk food weekend, this weekend and I haven't had a junk food weekend in eons! Went by Candy Empire the other day and bought some potato chips from Australia and biscuits from Germany. I might do another blog on them biscuits as they were yummy!

Candy Empire purports to import all their confectionery, chocolate, biscuits and chips. And because they're imported, they're really, really expensive. Most of the time that I'm in there, I'm only browsing. But once in a while, they have sales and that's a good time to stock up.

Anyways, I've noticed these particular brand of chips and decided to get them, seeing that they were on sale (at S$5.95 per packet) and the only one left. I even Googled them and was glad that they were manufactured by Smiths. Smiths makes awesome potato chips!

The chips were crunchy, slightly thick and not difficult to munch on. There's a light sprinkling of chili and a hint of sour cream. All in all, a yummy snack. Gotta bring out the jugs of water or I'll be nursing a sore throat tomorrow!

Red Rock Deli's Sweet Chili & Sour Cream potato chips.

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