Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Singaporean Drivers

Something you can't miss when you come to this country and find yourself in a parking complex, for cars. Everyone who learnt how to drive here reverses into a parking lot. Most of the parking lots here are 90 degree lots. Isn't it easier to drive head first? One would think... but no, almost everyone reverse parks here. It's rare that you'll find someone who'll drive head first into a lot, they would most probably be a non-Singaporean.

It's actually pretty sensible when you come to think about it, reversing into a parking lot, coz when you need to exit, it's faster than having to reverse out, right? Well, the only thing that tickles me is how people will reverse into a lot even when coming out means having to make a three/multiple point turn. It must have seemed like a good idea to reverse park when they first found the lot, eh?

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