Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It only takes a spark...

... to get a fire going...

Pass it on. I remember singing it in church. Such a positive song with a catchy mellow tune. I even remember harmonising and that made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Singing the song just made you happy. But I attended a fire safety talk today and nothing about sparks and fire made me warm and fuzzy.

The fire safety talk was conducted by someone who used to be a fireman, so he knows about fire, what causes it and how to put it off. So what did I learn?

1. Fire is alive when three elements are present: Fuel, Oxygen and Heat. Take away one and your fire is out.
2. Smoke always travels upwards.
3. Most people die from smoke inhalation before they get burned to death.
4. Heat from the smoke can melt contact lenses, glasses and HAIR!
5. Install a few smoke alarms in your house if you don't already have.
6. Keep a fire extinguisher in your house. Ultimately, 2 would be good, one in the general living area and another in the master bedroom. To use effectively, point at the source, usually at the base of the fire.
7. Pouring water on a fire is not always the solution, especially if you're trying to put out a fire of an electrical source.
8. Skin grafts are DNA dependent, sometimes your family members don't match and there are people who are on standby for skin donations.
9. What's the number to call a fire brigade? Reaction time is 8 minutes in Singapore, that's LONG! Everything goes up in smoke in less than 50 seconds.
10. I don't want to be a burn victim.

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