Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Visible Panty

While I was walking to the train station this morning, I happen to be unfortunate enough to walk behind a person with visible panties and it wasn't a young one too *grin* and to make it even more obvious, the lady had on a pair of white pants.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be reminded of this incident, but nothing else happened today, thus this topic has been included.

Anyways, the only thought that was going though my head was whether to tell her that her panties was showing. Would you want to know that? I would...

So today's lesson is... white pants and white panties don't really go well, especially if your panties happen to be a pair of 'full' ones. One should always check themselves out in a mirror before stepping out of the house.

Hmm... back to the lady. I don't want to go into too much detail as to what was so very obvious, maybe it was just her subtle incontinence pad showing... because no woman in their right mind would wear a pair of white pants when they're having their periods!

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