Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 5 million dollar home

I recently bought myself a Crumpler bag. It was great lugging the hub's one all over Tokyo when I last visited the city in April for a week. It was spacious enough to fit a DSLR, my passport, wallet and a bottle of water. I'm sure the bag was meant to carry an extra lens and flash, but this is me, being able to live with a point and shoot, why would I need another lens, let alone a monstrous flash? As you can tell, I haven't discovered the finer side to using a flash.

Anyways, I was thinking of getting something smaller than what the hubs has, but bearing in mind the things I want to put in it, I ended up getting the same model, albeit a newer design. There are a couple of differences between this and the older design. Firstly, they've managed to add an extra flap to cover some of the velcro which was actually a little painful to use when you're constantly accessing the contents of the bag. Another is the more tapered, slimmer looking design.

I love my new 5 million dollar home and can't wait to fill it! Yes... it's sitting pretty but empty at the moment, waiting for the successor of the D90 to fill it!

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