Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hatch Day

My baby brother turns thirty-something today and the strange thing about it is that his age/aging doesn't bother me anymore. For the past 10 years, it used to bother me. Not that it meant that I'm getting older (I get that reminder when it's my birthday) but just the fact that he's getting older. I mean, he's my baby brother. I still remember a lot of the times we spent growing up together. All the weird but cute things he used to do. He'll always be my baby brother.

But as we got older, we started living our separate lives, especially now when we're not even living in the same country. I think it'll start to bother me again when he starts hitting the forties.

I'm the middle child in my family. My older brother getting older didn't used to bother me, but last year, it did, only because he hit the big four-oh. All of a sudden, he's old. I mean, he's always been older than me, a lot older than me, but hitting forty is like ancient, no?

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