Friday, July 30, 2010

Of Gadgets and Games

StarCraft 2 was launch in Singapore a couple of days ago... or was it only yesterday? THRONGS of people gathered in front of Funan The Digital mall before it was opened just to be the first few people to get their hands on the game which has been 12 years in the making. The hubs plays it... it used to be BIG, 12 years ago. I'm sure he'll get a copy this weekend.

The much hyped, anticipated iPhone 4 has finally arrived in Singapore. Earlier today, at precisely midnight, the three telcos here opened their flagship stores (SingTel took out a convention centre at Marina Bay) to sell the gadget to the throngs of people eagerly waiting to get their hands on one or two units. I can't wait to check out the number of people with this new gadget on the train come Monday!

The iPad arrived last week, but not all the units were snapped up. I still see no point in getting it.

But I really have to hand it to Apple's marketing and design team. They really deserve all acknowledgments, bonuses and pay raises. What will they come up with next?!

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