Sunday, July 18, 2010

Loving the cold

It's rare that the weekend that you're not working is pleasant like this weekend is. I wouldn't call it balmy weather, but rather refreshing. It has been raining all weekend... heavily in some areas but where we live, in the west, the rain has been mediocre. Sometimes when we get rains like this, the aftermath is pretty bad because the humidity and muckiness kicks in and you're wondering why you welcomed the rain in the first place.

But not this weekend. This weekend has been a gorgeous weekend. It rained early in the morning yesterday, causing some areas to flood, but thanking our lucky stars that our area wasn't, and the hubs and I managed to sleep through the morning (we literally woke up after noon!) We went on to attend a barbeque in the evening and didn't sweat a drop! Cool breeze was blowing through the barbeque pit from out of nowhere and coupled with the mellow catch up session and great food, all was good.

Today, I wanted to go for a swim (it has been ages since I last went... I suppose it's close to 5 or 6 months) seeing that the sun wasn't out and there was a cool breeze, but after doing the ironing, it rained. Now as I sit writing this blog, it's still raining, the soft cooling kind. I guess there will be no swimming today.

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