Thursday, July 15, 2010

Brown Carpet

I finally found a carpet for the living room, again. I've missed walking on carpet in my home. Not that I've been doing that for all my life. Come to think of it, I love the combination of having a marble tiled floor, some parquet tiled floor and some carpeted floor. That's the extent of the experiences of my feet.

Growing up in Malaysia, we used to have a carpet in our living room. It wasn't a soft carpet, come to think of it, I only remember it to be a coarse short haired carpet which could be swept with a broom. Maybe it was soft in the beginning but got coarse throughout the years from the abuse of three kids and heaps of adults trampling all over it. The rest of the house on the ground floor was marble tiled which made it cool to the feet in the hot humid weather the day brought, the kitchen was mosaic tiled and the second level was parquet tiled. My feet learnt of a new experience when we moved to Australia as most homes are carpeted.

Moving over to Singapore and setting up home with the hubs, my feet are back to the marble-parquet-mosaic tiled experience and all it was missing was the carpet in the living room. Sometimes, walking on hard floor for an extended period of time makes the balls of your feet painful, especially after being on your feet the whole day in a pair of high heels.

So off I went to find a comfortable plush carpet. Our first was from Ikea. A bright red circular carpet with strategically placed swirls. It looked great hanging on the wall, as how it was displayed in the Ikea store, and it only lasted a few years in our home as it was plush, but poorly made. Each time the carpet was vacuumed, it would shed. It was almost like having a pet in the home.

The current carpet is short haired, brown in background colour with flower motifs and was purchased from a Persian carpet shop. Made in Belgium, and on sale, it was the un-gaudy-est, soft to the touch carpet in the shop. It sports an interesting two tone view, light from one side and dark and rich from the other. I hope it lasts for the next ten years.

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