Saturday, July 31, 2010

The History Channel

I've always been bad with my History. I might have been the only person in my school to fail History in 4th Grade on multiple choice tests. I don't know how I made it through the classes. All the way to the 9th Grade, History has been the one bane in my curiculum. When I had the opportunity, I chucked History as a subject.

People tell me that History is just story telling. But the thing with me is, if I'm not interested in that particular topic, it's going to be very difficult to absorb anything, really, I'm not kidding. For me to learn something I'd have to be the one asking the questions, that's how my brain works.

Anyways, I was watching the History channel this arvo and I don't even know why I didn't change the channel when the remote was right next to me. Instead I watched the whole episode. Maybe it's because it was a morbid subject. It was about torture. For those of you who are squirmy, you're going to need to stop reading here.

On top of the usual stretching someone as a form of torture (I learnt that the pain from stretching is intense as your limbs start to come apart at the joints!), the part that I remember most vividly is an instrument which looks like a hand held lemon juicer (I'll never be able to look at a hand held lemon juicer the same way) which goes into the victim's mouth, knocking out the two front teeth. The instrument is then slowly expanded and teeth are moved, not broken. Our teeth are connected to many, many nerves and if you've worn braces before, you'll know the kind of torture having your teeth moved is, excruciating...

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