Friday, July 9, 2010

Food Blog : Chocolate Wassant

After all the hype has died, I decided to purchase a packet of these from a bakery called Provence. There are 10 pieces in one packet and they cost S$0.60 each. Never mind about the cost, YUMMY they are! I'm glad I didn't know of them earlier as I would have been pigging out on them.

It's a soft bread, rolled with a light chocolate spread and shaped like a croissant, hence the name chocolate wassant. I'll be sure to go back for more now *grin* They also have a custard flavoured one and a kaya flavoured one. I don't think I'll even try the others. Kaya belongs on toasted bread with a slab of butter!

Here I've taken the picture on my newly acquired Kangaroo mug saucer from Max Brenner's.

Chocolate Wassants

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