Thursday, January 6, 2011

While the chicken man is on holiday...

... the help comes out to help?

I had the strangest experience buying from our regular chicken wing and bee hoon place today. The regular uncle is away for a holiday and had two friends come help him out. It's great that they're willing to help, but it took 3 dudes to do his job. One to cut the chicken wing, one to pile on the regular order of bee hoon, and whatever side dishes and one to place the packets into a plastic bag. The person who piles on the regular order collects the money too, looks like he's the leader of the dude-pack! But he gets help from the dude who cuts the chicken wing with the calculations. With so many heads, I'm not sure if they made money these couple of weeks.

Anyways, on top of that, the dude cutting the chicken wing was carefully cutting it (like he was afraid it would hurt) and the dude who was piling on the regular order was extremely slow and neat. It was strange to see it all as I'm so used to the way the regular uncle packs, cuts and serves his customers. Had me entertained while in the queue, but I can't wait for the regular uncle to come back.

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