Monday, January 3, 2011

100 Trillion

That's 100 with 12 zeros to follow
Only in Zimbabwe can this happen

100 trillion Zimbabwe dollars is worth 5 US dollars. That's kind of sad, isn't it? So even if I were a millionaire in Zimbabwe, I wouldn't be able to buy anything or survive, would I?

Sometimes I wonder if the world would be a different place if there was only one currency... what are you talking about?! Of course it would be different.

Firstly, there would be no money changers. What in the world would they do??? I'm just sending this world into chaos, aren't I? Other repercussions would be the people who make money by trading money... they wouldn't exist also, right? Let's not even go there...

Secondly, there would be wars (or hefty words) to decide which currency to use and if they're not able to single that out, a new currency would have to be prepared. IF that is done, how do you peg it? I won't even go there because the money changers and foreign exchange traders would come after me. Anyways, let's call it "world currency"

Thirdly, on average buying a mediocre cup of coffee in England would be the same price as one in Zimbabwe, which is 7 world currency. No one would think that as expensive or cheap as they wouldn't have known otherwise. But then again, 7 world currency could be point zero zero seven cents in current day pounds ;)

Fourthly, and more interestingly would be salary! Yes, it's always been a hush-hush subject, but with the world currency, everyone would be paid fairly, you think? If I were an average maid in Indonesia, I should be paid the same as if I were working in the US, right?

Then, immigration and emigration wouldn't happen as often as it does now. Why would I want to move to another country if not for money... experience? Standard of living? Argh... boggles the mind. I've got to plan this right... but I think I'd like to live in that world... what a weird world it would be!

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