Sunday, January 23, 2011

Korean Tongue Twisters

I can't even handle the English ones and I'm going ahead of myself in trying to learn ones in a foreign language of which I'm not fluent in. I guess it might be easier to remember if I knew what I was actually saying... kind of reminds me of the times I was in school and uni trying to memorise sentences and formulas that don't make any sense to me! That's right, it doesn't make sense ergo it's not easy to remember.

It's a mesh of weird things, doesn't even make sense, something akin to she selling seashells on the seashore.

This is from the Secret Garden Korean drama where in order to take his mind off something the lead actor recites this over and over again.

"Kimmm soo han moo, keo bu gi wa du ru mi, sam cheon gab ja Dong Bang Sak! Chi chi ga po, Sarisarisaenta, Wori wori, sapeurika..."

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