Friday, January 21, 2011

Handbags and crowded food courts

Your handbag doesn't deserve a seat in a crowded food court. I don't care if you've paid a thousand dollars or ten dollars for it, it doesn't deserve a seat in a crowded food court. It's not eating, even if it is, it should be sitting on your lap or hanging off the table or chair.

I don't know if this is a normal occurrence in Asian countries, but here in Singapore, it's everywhere, something of a culture. With Singapore being relatively safe, the handbag can afford to be left on a seat of its own while the owner eats.

And I love asking people to move their bags to make way for my bum. The daggers I get sometimes are just priceless. I wonder if they know that they're actually shooting daggers for the fact that their precious handbag has to vacate a seat.

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