Saturday, January 15, 2011

Money is a scary thing

What would this world be if we didn't have money? There will be other forms of barter of course, but now that we have to live in a world where money is the major form of barter, we'll just have to make do.

So, how much is enough? Enough to live comfortably. I'm living comfortably at the moment. If I don't want some maids trailing me, a house that's too big for the both of us, a driver in a flashy car, massive jewellery hanging on me and jet-setting all over the world at a whim, I'm alright! Although, that last one would be nice *grin*

Right! Money... as the Lunar new year approaches, the Singapore pools will be preparing for another big draw. Can't remember what last year's one was, maybe it's the same every year, but this year it's $10 milion! Will you be buying into it? Queues have formed everywhere tickets are being sold, everyone's donating to the pool... parting with a little in the hopes of winning big. Would there be a possibility of no one winning?!

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