Saturday, January 8, 2011

Terminal 1

Singapore has three airport terminals. The recently opened Terminal 3 is now 3 years old. How time flies!

Meanwhile, it has been decided that Terminal 1 was in dire need of some upgrading. Of course, for a place which has been in operation since the dawn of Singapore Airlines... I'm not saying that there hasn't been any upgrading of facilities between then and now, but compared to the newly opened Terminal 3, Terminal 1 was really in dire need of some upgrading. Started in 2008, it looks to only be completed in 2012!

Meanwhile, amidst all this upgrading, the airport is still in operation. It's only the aesthetics part of the airport that is being upgraded. Disruption is kept to the minimum as everything is boarded up and if you don't frequent the place, you won't even know what you're missing. But I've been there so many times this year that I've started to notice certain things, mostly the availability of food outlets. And the fact that there's absolutely NOTHING to entertain you with while you wait to board your flight or are in transit. All the entertainment worthy experiences (the ones that keep you awake enough to wile the hours away while you wait for your connection) are located in Terminal 3. Kind of reminds me of airports from not so developed countries. I guess I've been pretty spoilt in all these years, expecting an airport to be a building full of entertainment too, and not to mention the fact that they should be a shopping mall masquerading as an airport!

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