Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kindy for toddlers

While I was driving to get my dinner tonight, the traffic was crawling, allowing me to think a little on the side and I came up with this - "Money can't buy you the ability to use your brain."

I've never come across a society that puts their kids through school, private lessons and tuition at a young age of 3. Yes, not 13, but 3. Where's the physical play time? Where's the getting some vitamin D from the sun? I guess if I grew up here and never knew any better, it wouldn't be strange to me, but I didn't. I grew up roller skating on my driveway, cycling around the neighbourhood, climbing over drains behind houses in my estate, don't remember much about the studying part of school as I was usually out for a tournament or something...

What in the world brought this on? There was an article in the newspapers today. Parents queued up for 12 hours in the hopes of getting their child who was born in 2010 a spot on the waiting list of a prestigious kindy in 2013. I don't know about you, but that whole sentence doesn't make any sense to me. It was such an absurd notion that I didn't even bother to read the article in full.

But I do have some points I want to bring up. Firstly, it's a spot on the waiting list. Even if you're number one, if everyone who has been granted a spot (I'm sure there's another criteria for this too) takes it up, where does that leave your child? Kindy-less? I don't think so. These parents would have a back up plan, which means a domino effect, doesn't it? At the bottom of the chain, some kid would be on the waiting list hoping to just get into a kindy, any kindy!

Secondly, would you even take your baby to queue? Is one of the criteria, "Oh, your baby is so cute, let's just grant them a position on the waiting list"? Pure utter nonsense, just pure utter nonsense.

I don't know if I'm furious or just vexed...

Anyways, just on the side, I miss driving to and from work. I remember that I do a lot of thinking while I drive, not to mention catch up on my music! I'm still stuck in the 90s, which in 5 years will probably the 'oldies'!

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