Monday, January 24, 2011

The Snow Queen

I don't think I remember reading Hans Christian Andersen's version of this story, and I'm sure there are heaps of versions around, but the Korean's have managed to come up with a sob fest of a story with this underlying theme.

The only reason why I picked it up was for the actor, Hyun Bin. Not liking the way he looked in his most recent drama Secret Garden, I decided to pick this one up and it was one of the saddest k-drama I've ever watched. If you're going to watch it, stop reading now.

The story evolves around two people, the dorky guy, a maths genius and a girl who's been sick all her life. Something about the storyline should have warned me not to watch it, usually when someone has a weird illness, they will surely die. That's just the way dramas are meant to be. I thought my brain was mature enough to handle this, but no... my eyes are all swollen.

To make the story more sobby, the guy's best friend, who happens to be a good-looking maths genius commits suicide when he loses in the countrywide maths Olympiad. He didn't even place second, he didn't even place third. Of course the dorky guy came in first, so he blames himself for the reason his best friend committed suicide. Which if you think about it, is a bit silly, how can you be sorry for being smart? But he's supposed to be a 17 year old...

The story picks up again 8 years later. We find out that the dorky guy leaves school and decides to become a boxer. It was the dream of his best friend to be one, so he takes it on himself to fulfill that dream. Meets up with the younger sister of his best friend without knowing so, falls in love only to discover who she really is. Anyways, they somehow patch up only to have the weird illness claim her life. Such a sad, sad ending because the dorky guy spends most of his life being miserable... and lonely.

Will I watch this again? Yeah, if only for the early scenes between the main actors as they bicker and become steadfast friends.

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