Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Inevitable

The inevitable has finally happened
Of course, you say, it was inevitable
[That sounds vaguely like a line from the 'Matrix']
But... but... but...
But this inevitable occurrence has been a year in the making!
The hubs has finally been sent to a small town in Europe for work for a few weeks
That leaves me with time all... to... my...self...
I would normally be OK with that, but we've been living together for so long
We've got a routine, you know
He'd wake me in the morning
[Because he leaves earlier for work]
We'd have dinner together
Come back at the end of the day and I'll tell him about my day
Great listener he is
[He usually doesn't gossip about his work day]
See, routine
Now that he's not around
[Because of the time-zone thing]
Who am I going to whinge to?
Oh, wait!
I'll have to email him!
Hmm... kind of reminds me of when we were dating
Have we come full circle?
I was living in Australia and he in Singapore
And even with the measly time difference, there were heaps of emails bing-bonging
Not to mention the expensive phone calls as Skype hadn't been invented yet
But have no fear
Have passport will travel!

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