Friday, October 22, 2010

Hazy days

The haze is back in Singapore. At this time of year, almost every year, Indonesia burns their forest to clear them. With the wind and everything, it has brought the smoke over to our skies. The haze is different when compared to smog. Smog smells distinctly of burnt petrol fumes. Haze smells of faint regular burned non-biodegradable things...

As this burning happened some ways away... walking out of a building into the open, the air smells faintly burnt... like something has burned far, far away and the wind has brought the smell over. It's not suffocatingly thick, this haze, I think the atmospheric reading has been less than a hundred psi. It's amazing what our noses pick up.

I remember back in the late 90s, people had to wear masks because the haze was so thick! Schools were closing and outdoor sport activities were postponed. Luckily for us, it will rain nearly every other day, even for a little while, just to wash the air a little. Hopefully with all the weird weather that's going on around the world, the haze won't get too thick.

Here's a photo of a part of the central business district at dusk with the haze. I'll have to see if I can get a 'normal' day picture to compare.

Hazy skyline at dusk

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