Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two of Three

The hubs and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary tonight. Eight years ago, we celebrated this day with a 9 course yummy dinner with our friends and relatives... all 450 of them. That's like a lot of people between the both of us, isn't it? Did we know everyone? Surprisingly, more or less *grin*

We weren't picky as to who attended our wedding dinner, as long as our friends and immediate relatives came. And came they did. I remember hiring a couple of buses to cart guests to the venue and back to a meeting point. The food was yummy (all my favourite!), company was boisterous and the hubs and I had a blast!

The best part about Chinese weddings is that you usually get money as a present. I didn't get to count the amount of money we received, but it was enough to pay for dinner after everyone left and had maybe a couple of hundred left over. That's considered a good thing *grin*

Last year, our anniversary dinner was particularly bad. I can't remember the details (you'd want to forget these kind of things) but the hubs tells me that we decided to have steamboat at home and for some reason the base wasn't heating the pot right. Which meant we were sitting at the dining table for maybe a couple of hours, slow cooking all our food. Baddd...

This year, we decided to eat out, seeing that it's a Tuesday night. We ended up at one of our favourite restaurants, No Signboard. Their dishes have never failed to fill us. We even take guests there, when they can't decide what to eat.

BUT the experience was a little of a let down today. Just as we were starting on our crab, I noticed that one of the claws looked like it had fungus growing... you know, when crabs get injured, their flesh turns bad and black... which means that that part of their body was starting to rot. We had the dish re-served, which was a bad idea coz they took another half hour to cook it. By the time the dish arrived, we were kind of full, the earlier dish of drunken prawns (I miss drinking herbal soups!) and claypot tofu had settled. But we took our time eating it and it was yummy! I don't know if the kitchen decided to give us the freshest crab, but the flesh was so sweet, even with the chili sauce which it was cooked in. AND you have to order the fried buns that go so well with the sauce, I could just eat the buns and sauce and not worry about the crab.

So, that's two out of three. We haven't decided where to go for our third one yet...

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