Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vacation Photographs

My younger brother is currently on a vacation for which he's not bringing along a camera.

Since the dawn of the camera, everyone has been sporting one while they're on vacation. And it's primarily used to capture pictures of places they've been to. But with this day and age, and of course Photoshop, you could use whatever photos that are published on the web, superimpose your head and body into the picture and voila, you've been to the Antarctica without having to leave your house!

So why do people still bring along cameras and are happy snappers while they're on vacation?
It's what everyone's doing?
Don't like the angle of that particular picture on the web?

I'd like to think that it's the fact that they might not have had the time to visit all the touristy places while on their vacation or that they can't be bothered scouring the internet for pictures and superimposing their head and body onto it. Plus it's also fun to leaf through the thousand of pictures when they're back. Everyone complains about it being a chore, but it does bring a smile... pleasant memories.

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