Monday, October 25, 2010

Food Blog : Ku Ra

I love how Singapore is so multicultural that you can find almost any food from around the world here. Having said that, tonight's dinner was probably screaming for us not to try it. Maybe we'll go back in 6 months time...

Ku Ra, a Sapporo (Japan) Ramen little cafe, has probably been opened for a week, maybe shorter. They are part of the Ajisen chain of Japanese eats. Their official opening day is this Thursday. Menus are still soft laminated, probably waiting for the 'real' (read official) menus to arrive on Thursday. It was heartwarming to discover that the tiny cafe was full of people.

The hubs ordered the white miso which was pretty close to what we remember from the ramen we had in Hokkaido. He lapped the bowl clean!

I tried their Shoyu and was sorely disappointed. The soup was too salty, making the noodles salty too and when I asked for a bowl of warm/hot water, the waitress smiled and asked if the soup was too salty! She brought me some plain broth instead, but that wasn't enough. I had to add some of my room temperature water into the soup and in the end, I didn't even drink the soup. The Cha Su was alright though, right amount of fat and moist meat.

One interesting thing they had on the menu was fried chicken soft bone. What they've done is to roughly chop the soft bone, found where the bulk of the breast meat of a chicken is, into 1" sticks, dip in a light tempura (little too salty) flour and deep fried. What gets served is an interesting crunchy snack!

The Gyoza was nothing to tell home about, the hubs says it's too 'Chinese' tasting.

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