Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cleaning the Kitchen

How do you get rid of all the oil that's stuck EVERYWHERE in the kitchen? It's not like I cook that often. Plus I don't deep fry or wok fry lots of things, although, after eating so many meals these past couple of months in hawker centers, the wok is beginning to grow on me.

Anyways, back to cleaning. Yes, how do you get rid of all that grime?

I tried cleaning a section of the kitchen today. It was fairly easy with Mr Muscle, a metal scrubber and some tissues but my fingers are paying for it. And that's only on the kitchen tops. I don't know how to get rid of the grime that's stuck to the kitchen cabinets! Maybe I just need a new kitchen *wink*

1 comment:

  1. Any success?..i usually use a sponge and just normal washing detergent. Of course you know you are supposed to clean like mad after every cooking. (or be like my mum - put cardboard ALL AROUND so that no where else gets dirty, hence less cleaning!)
