Saturday, October 30, 2010

Short dramas

When I first started to watch Korean Dramas, I was applauding their use of different casts for one and the length of their episodes. They are usually 62 minutes long with only one advertisement break. Good stuff!

On top of the normal 62-minute episodes, the dramas are usually only 16 episodes long which I've taken as a 'just nice' length. Too long and you'll start to lose the plot as however cute the actors and actresses are, you tend to want the drama to move on to the end.

As I was saying, they also have 35-minute mini episodes which could go on for over a hundred and fifty episodes long. Even in normal drama length, that's pretty long, isn't it? These mini episodes portray the drama in everyone's point of view for nearly everyday of their lives.

I'm currently watching one called Happiness in the Wind which is nearly approaching the end. I think there are 175 episodes long and it's about episode 163. I need to fast forward these last bits as it's starting to become a little draggy. Maybe it's because I'm not really interested in knowing what happens to every other person's daily life but I'll have to wait it out. Maybe someone on the internet has just put up scenes with just the lead actor and actress?

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