Monday, January 4, 2010


Last month, while on vacation, I managed to catch the final 20 minutes of the movie, Twilight. Sad to say, it didn't really appeal to me as I had no inkling of the story never having read any of the novels. A week later, it was showing on cable again and this time I caught another 30 minutes of it (10 minutes into the movie) before having to leave for a dinner appointment.

Frustrated, disconcerted and a little piqued, I went to look for the novel. The phenomenon started sometime in 2008 if I remember correctly, and it didn't appeal to me then as I wasn't into written vampire fiction (the Anne Rice books were okay) although friends kept telling me that it wasn't the main theme... romance, a love so deep, blah, blah, blah. After a few hops into the various bookstores, I finally found a copy of the first book, Twilight. Something about where it was being filed in bookstores should have hinted to me the kind of language the book was written in (it was kept in the young adults section) but no, no alarm bells went off. Suffice to say, after half a day of reading, it's not a book I can re-read. Maybe I'll keep it in the bathroom instead of counting tiles.

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