Saturday, January 16, 2010

Avatar 3D

The hubs and I finally went to watch Avatar in 3D. Most of the other weeks since it opened, the seatings were either the first or second row away from the screen. I vowed never to watch a movie that close again, even if it was only showing for one day. If you dig hard enough, you should be able to find a record of it on the internet.

Anyways, the movie was alright. I was wowed for the first half hour or so and then I kept wondering when it was going to end. A slightly long story at 2.5 hours, it was kind of draggy in the middle. But the storyline got me thinking about people who immerse themselves in online games like 2nd life and World of Warcraft. What they would give to be able to have that life instead of the one they're living, and that's pretty understandable. I mean, Avatar's hero is a paraplegic in real life. He goes over as an alien who has full use of all his limbs and all his other senses are acute. He meets the daughter of the chief clan (which is like meeting the princess, high chance of him experiencing the better part of the alien life) and learns the ways of the aliens. Gets to fly on a pterodactyl creature and finally mates with the princess. Oh, what a wonderful life. And at some point in time, he wants his alien life to be his real life. Who wouldn't.

Meanwhile, the show would have ended differently if he were made a servant, to work the fields, not fed enough, tortured on a nightly basis, blah, blah, blah...

If I had to do it again, would I have paid the $13 for it? I am still undecided.

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