Monday, January 11, 2010

Soupy Noodles

I have a feeling that the air these days is more polluted than before. Germs, bacteria, viruses floating around too freely. How come these new strains didn't exist a hundred or even fifty years ago? Or do we have to blame the current generation for that? People not covering their mouths or noses when they cough or sneeze, scientists mixing and playing around with biological things that mutate when they leave the lab or just the change in climate. It is scary to think that one day, the planet will be extinct of all living creatures...

In a way, it's lucky that I'm home bound these days. I don't have to get up to go to work, take the public transport, breathe the same air as everyone within the confines of the public transport, talk to strangers who could be carrying gawd knows what and generally just leaving the house *grin*

So how do you explain this tickling in my throat today? Could it be due to an over abundance of curry that I had for both lunch and dinner yesterday? Has staying at home made my immune levels weaker? Staying at home can't be a bad thing... no... I don't want to believe that. I'll just stick to some soupy noodles for a while till the tickling in my throat goes away.

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