Friday, January 1, 2010

It's a New Year!

Automatically, resolutions always seep into people's subconscious around the start of the new year. It's the same for me, there's no denying it. But (there's always a but) I have to admit that I've never followed through on any of my resolutions, even if I didn't fully make them, thinking of them is kind of confirmation, no?

Anyways, one of my 'translucent' resolution is to type my thoughts down and hopefully to make it an ongoing thing. It's amazing the amount of thoughts that go through my head these days, not that I haven't been opinionated over the years, it's just that I don't listen to or voice them enough.

When I first started an online journal, I never thought I would have more than one. The last I counted, I have four in total. While I have to admit that it has been difficult maintaining them, plus my other journals are not for everyone's eyes *smile*

So why create another one? *grin*
I had fun reading through all my other ones (especially the hand written ones) and have decided that I rather enjoy reading my ramblings. What I think and what happens now, might not be what I might think later on in life.

So what's with the 'retired' thing?
I've been fortunate enough to find someone ('the hubs') who does not have any adverse reactions to the kind of lifestyle I want to lead (in this lifetime. I'm coming back as a different (better) person in my next lifetime... not that I'm supposed to believe in next lifetimes!)
I could say that I'm in between jobs at the moment. I am also pretty sloth-like in my hunt for the perfect job. I've done both the "Oooyay... it's Monday" and the "*groan* I don't feel like going to work today... what shall my excuse be?"
Maybe I should just write in my pajamas for a living and hope to get paid for it at some point in time!

So here's to 2010! A new year, a new beginning, a new career move!

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