Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I've never really had a pet when I was young, which would explain the sudden want for one when I grew older. Now that I'm older than older, I've been thinking of getting another pet. More specifically a cat. We used to have fishes, but those aren't really pets; turtles, which we had to release; and my last pet was a cat that lived for about nine years. He was such a darling, always purring when he settles on me... ah... I hope he's in cat heaven now.

So now that we don't have kids, I've been thinking of getting a cat for a long while. The reason why we haven't gotten one as yet is because I was always travelling for work, or going on holidays pretty often while I was working. But I haven't been working for a couple of years now and have been looking around for things to do. And the reason why I never really got down to looking for a cat to take care of is because we don't have a private garden. Cats need to roam, discover the world around them... I can't imagine having the cat in the apartment the whole time. Maybe I can take it out for walks, like all the maids do to the dogs that live here. But cats don't do well with harnesses, do they?

With that... I guess we're not having any pets, anytime soon.

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