Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Customer Service

Having spent nearly all my working life as a customer service officer (CSO), I've found that I'm pretty bad when it comes to scrutinising every other CSO whom I meet. The only difference, as compared to some of my previous customers, is that I don't shoot the messenger. But I do impart my dissatisfaction, as you would, after all, you're already pretty pissed off with the lack of service being offered.

I recently visited one such organisation which purports to build their customer base with excellent CSOs. Boy was I disappointed. Having secured an appointment a couple of days ahead, I was told upon announcing my arrival that the CSO was on medical leave. I lost it for a split second, something that's unusual for me (maybe I've been housebound for too long?) but the patient receptionist had a service recovery stored *kudos*. Everyone who ended up helping me was extremely professional and polite. After I left, I had half a mind to write a really long letter of complaint, something which will not work towards the extension of the bumbling CSO's employment but decided that karma will help me out instead *grin* I'm such a big believer in karma.

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