Friday, January 29, 2010

iPod Touch

*sigh* Sometimes I hate that technology moves at warp speed. I can't keep up. There's a flip side to this technology era we're living in.

I bought an iPod Touch sometime mid last year. About the same time as this MacBook, actually at exactly the same time as this MacBook. Which means that my gadgets are not even a year old. I can't believe that some of the applications, old and new, are not supported on my mini gadget. In order for me to use the application, I'll have to upgrade my operating system. Do you think it's just Apple's way of forcing everyone to upgrade? I'll have to pay for the upgrade to the new operating system, it's not free even though I have the mini gadget. Grant that it's not a huge fee, but isn't it good marketing to not make customers who already own the gadget pay for an upgrade?

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