Sunday, January 24, 2010

Transporter 3

The first one was okay... the second one... can't really remember much... just watched the third installment and it was highly unbelievable. Not a scratch on Jason Statham, he fought with 9 guys, bare knuckled at first, then with whatever instruments that were available in the workshop. Even had a one-on-one with someone who looked twice his size and a couple of feet taller than him, flew through a wall. Not a scratch. Bullets flying everywhere towards the end, not a scratch, or a nick. But what a bod! Yummy, yum, yum, yummm *grin*

Believable chase sequences with the bulletproof car, but towards the end, it was submerged in water... after a couple of tinkles, it was still drivable, like brand new. Audi makes good cars.

Another gripe is that I couldn't understand half the words Natalya Rudakova was saying. Her Russian accent was too strong! But I loved her blue, blue eyes.

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