Sunday, January 31, 2010

Laptop cushions

There's a huge market out there for computer accessories. The alternative accessory markets make good living, what more if your designs are quirky and mildly affordable. Look at the amount of sleeves and jackets that's available for laptops and mobile phones these days. It's all about looks, which is what Apple has going for them. It doesn't matter that the product might be missing some important applications, for example when Apple first launched their iPhone, it was missing a whole lot of applications which a much, much cheaper mobile phone could handle, but no... people snapped it up because the iPhone was just too good looking. It's all about looks and accessories help in making your electronic gadget more aesthetically pleasing.

Anyways, this blog entry is not about the bling bling for your electronic gadgets, it's about a laptop cushion.

The hubs was in search of a laptop cushion, not that he spends a lot of the time on the couch watching the TV while fiddling with his laptop, unlike me, but he might start to do that if he had a laptop cushion. I use a couch pillow, it's comfortable, already there and it doubles up as a pillow when not in use. The search was on and being a computer accessory, you will, more often than not, approach shops selling a majority of computer accessories. Apparently the quirkier ones start at $60 per piece. I can't imagine purchasing a cushion for $60.

We ended up purchasing one from Ikea for $18. You'd be surprise at the amount of things you can find in Ikea these days. We bought our Pussy Willow branches from there too.

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