Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Apple of my Eye

This article is for all my friends who have spent at least a year in an Australian High School *grin*

I remember recess time while I was schooling more so than the lectures and tutorials (don't we all?!). Some of us would pack some snack from home, others who didn't have the time, brought some money to buy a snack (I still miss my chicko rolls and meat pies *yum*) A box of juice and an apple was almost always part of the snack brought from home. We were such healthy beings then.

All apple stems needed to be pulled out before we started munching on them. And there was a ritual to this, I found out one day. (I wonder if my friends made it up?) We would twist them off and at the same time count up the alphabet (I wonder if any of my friends counted backwards...). The alphabet that the count stopped at, as in when the stem broke, was the start of your future spouse's name! Talk about lame, but we did it everyday or every time we had an apple. Of course, when you're in high school, there's always someone you had a crush on *grin* (I love high school) I think some of us cheated and either slowly counted up the alphabet while furiously twisting the stem or yanked the stem off at the magic letter. There was no way we were going to let that stem determine a strange alphabet to be our spouse, oh no...

The reason why I suddenly thought about this is because I still do it, sometimes, when I'm having an apple. But now, as I count up the alphabet (I can't say the alphabet backwards!) I wonder what Christian name I should give the hubs *grin*

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