Friday, June 11, 2010


To be able to reminisce is an activity we never thought we would ever have to do when we were young. I guess only 'older' people do that. And the older you get, the more you'll have to reminisce about.

I just came back from a dinner with a couple of friends whom I knew in high school back in Malaysia. We haven't kept in touch with each other since we left school, only because we weren't all that close to begin with and when my family moved over to Australia, I really lost touch with a lot of people... new place, new friends.

Anyways, thanks to facebook and the foresight we all had to actually use it, we have managed to stay in contact again, catching up once in a while and arranging meet-ups like tonight. And whenever we do meet up, it's always to talk about what we did in school (the teachers we used to terrorise... sounds horrible, but we weren't that bad!) and who we used to hang out with (what they're all doing now) and all the crazy things we used to get up to. Oh, to be young again!

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