Sunday, June 13, 2010

Food Blog : Jade at The Fullerton

Expensive food isn't always all that yummy. Some ex-workmates and I decided to try out the above's a la carte buffet teem sum brunch this morning. The surprising factor was that it was only going to cost us at most S$33 per person, which is pretty good, considering you could eat till you drop and The Fullerton is supposedly a 5 star hotel.

Glancing through the write-ups on their website made my mouth water, they must have really good writers. But the tasting of the delicacies didn't do it for us. There were over 30 dishes to try and I think we ended up tasting 25.

One of the dumplings read "Xiao Long Bao with fois gras" but we couldn't taste the fois gras. I guess it was all overcooked when the whole dumpling went into the steamer. It was also a little disappointing as the dumpling skin broke upon lifting and the soup just dripped out. Xiao Long Bao's are known to have a little thicker wrap around the meat such that when the dumpling is steamed, juices from the meat will form a wee bit of soup and you're supposed to place the dumpling onto your chinese spoon, bite into the wrap a little so that the soup flows out, drink it and only then eat the dumpling.

Their "Siew mai with abalone" was also a little disappointing. All of us were staring at the siew mai when it arrived wondering what the brown thing placed on top of the siew mai was. It looked like a 50c coin of a Chinese mushroom. I think it would have been more appetising if they stuck to placing crab/prawn eggs on top.

Their "Prawn wrapped in deep fried bean curd skin" was nothing fantastic, neither was their "Char Siew bao". For dessert, the steamed yam with ginko nuts was done the lazy man way (a tablespoon of yam in the middle of some coconut milk with sago), but their mango sago with longan was not bad.

On the yummy side, their "Prawn dumpling with crystal skin" was good. Water chestnuts within the prawn mixture was still crunchy to the bite. Their double boiled soups and prawns with leeks were good. Can't go wrong with leeks.

I guess I would bring the hubs to try it one day, but there are other places which we could go to when we need to get our teem sum fix!

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