Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Food Blog : Gurney Drive

We were originally going to try the Popeye's branch located in the Jubilee building in Ang Mo Kio for dinner tonight, but there were no empty seats and there didn't look like enough space for us to share tables. So we moseyed down a little further and found this coffee shop. It's not entirely a restaurant, setting wise, and it didn't have a hawker kind of atmosphere. We later discovered that they have only been opened for a month, which explained their poor customer service or lack of. Not that we were treated badly, they only managed to get us a milo when we ordered a kopi-o-kosong and totally forgot one of our mains, the Kuay Teow.

The best dish was the pork satay. Satay has usually been a muslim kebab, so I can't remember if I've ever tasted pork satay from the Chinese vendors. Needless to say, they were delicious! Especially since they didn't skim on the cube of pork fat! I think we'll order 2 serves the next time we're there. One serve only has 6 sticks. We also tried the stuffed tofu, but it's nothing to rave about. There wasn't enough stuffing and the sauce was the same as the satay sauce.

For our mains, I ordered a fried seafood vermicelli which was pretty yummy, lightly chilied and the prawns were fresh. The hubs ordered the fried kuay teow, which came after we finished everything as the chef forgot the order. It wasn't as yummy as the one we usually buy from near our place as the noodles were a little soggy to the bite and too thin. Kuay Teow noodles have to be at least an inch wide!

If you don't have anything else to eat around the area, go try it. Wouldn't recommend it if you're craving for authentic Penang Kuay Teow. Maybe next time we'll try the assam laksa.

Another gem about this place is that they stock Penang cookies from Ghee Hiang (a famous cookie shop) and I got some Hneoh Pneah *yumz*

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