Friday, May 7, 2010


I don't even know how to start this post. Again, I have to be thankful that the internet exists in my lifetime. Being able to watch television shows which are currently being aired in other countries has been keeping me company and sane for the past 2.5 years.

By and by, I've progressed from watching drama serials from the US to Hong Kong to South Korea. I can understand spoken English perfectly. I can understand spoken Cantonese a little less than spoken English, enough to get the gist of what is being said, not a problem. Korean... I am slowly starting to pay attention to certain words and match them to the English subtitles. It's not all that hard, most of the shows use almost the same words as their plot doesn't vary all that much. Boy meets girl, boy and girl fight, boy and girl realise that they like each other, boy and girl live happily ever after.

Anyways, after all the catching up that I've done, I'm finally watching shows which are currently being aired. There hasn't been enough time for these shows to be viewed with English subtitles, so what little Korean that I understand is not really enough to get the gist of what everyone is really saying, especially implying.

While digging for ones with English subtitles, I came across an interesting blog by Javabeans. I've always wondered when someone who speaks great English and Korean would come up with a blog centered on insightful synopsis' of the various dramas. This blog does and I can now just read the synopsis before watching the episode without subtitles and still understand what's going on. Ain't the internet just the BEST?!

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