Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Delayed Impulse Buyer

I think the break from obtaining a regular income for my own personal use has done me good. I realise that I don't buy everything on impulse. There's always a nagging question of, "Do you really need another '...'?" Plus I've been avoiding walking into my favourite shops, just in case I succumb. I'm sure the hubs is happy to hear this.

Nowadays, being back to obtaining a regular income for my own personal use, I'm on the lookout for totally unique things, things I know I will regret if I don't buy them, when I'm out window shopping. Would that be considered a delayed impulse buyer?

I've just come back from a Tang's closed door sale (entry to the emporium is for card members and friends only) and I only have four Japanese bowls which cost me a total of S$16 to show for it. The queue to pay was shockingly long, even in the men's department and people have baskets full of (maybe) necessary things to purchase. Looks like the Singapore economy is doing great!

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