Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chicken in a Biskit

I don't know what it is that makes Chicken in a Biskit so yummy. The excess amount of chicken salt? The way the biscuit melts in your mouth? The size of the biscuit? It's probably the excess amount of chicken salt, something that's so Australian. I LOVE chicken salt. I don't understand why no one's brought it to Singapore yet. It goes really well with thick chips. Maybe it's because shops here don't serve thick chips?

Meanwhile, I've just noticed that they have an allergen information printed on the side of the box. Nowadays, heaps of kids are allergic to soy, wheat, milk, gluten, peanuts, and the list goes on. It's always genetic, isn't it, and because of that, do you think it's because family trees are not figured out before people have children?

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