Sunday, May 9, 2010


Do you remember the expression on your face the first time you left your house and made your way to your first job? I don't. I don't remember if I was happy or just chugging along that day. I wasn't keeping a diary then... maybe I was and just didn't think to record what my facial expression was.

I'm off to work tomorrow, a permanent position again, after taking a hiatus for the past 2.5 years. I have to admit that I was starting to get a little bored sitting at home, with little people interaction and watching the telly for most of the day, so I started to send my CV out when an interesting want ad came up (which I can count with one hand? In 2.5 years, that's not a lot, is it?). But the thought of dragging myself to work made me a little hesitant in sending out a hundred copies of my CV to various company hoping that one of them will bite. I don't really know what I want to do, work wise. I would like to think that the environment which I'm working in would have a heavier impact on whether I enjoy the work or not, right? Oh well, we'll find out tomorrow then *grin*

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