Friday, May 28, 2010


I should be tired. I've just come back from a 4 hour shopping trip and that's only in one shopping complex. Having the leisurely time to browse and a great pair of walking shoes has helped. The reason why we're not rushed for time is because for the first time in a long while, we don't have a car to use. It was involved in a chain collision where the car behind wasn't paying attention and bumped into it. That was on Tuesday. Seeing that it's a public holiday today, the car repair people aren't open and won't be able to get the car ready for collection. So we're out of a car for this long weekend. It's lucky that we live right outside a subway station then *grin*

Bearing that in mind, and trying not to catch taxis everywhere (not that they're expensive over here), I've been mindful to not purchase heavy things, seeing that I'll have to lug it all taking the train back. Aiming for another shopping trip tomorrow, shoes don't count as heavy, do they? Anyways, I can always ask the hubs to come out again seeing that we'll have to look for dinner *wide grin*

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