Monday, May 3, 2010

Squid Crackers

I just realised that in all my wandering around supermarket and wet market aisles, no one has made squid crackers. There are prawn, lobster, crab and fish crackers, but no squid crackers. Why is that so? They're yummy, in case you haven't tried them.

Not that it's difficult to get squid, I think the price of prawns, lobsters and crabs are way more expensive as compared to squid. Is it all that difficult to make? Wouldn't it be the same process as the others? With less bones to pick out, shell to discard, it should be easier to make than the rest, right?

The process of making them will take at least 3 days, depending on the weather as you're supposed to sun dry them. We'll see how I go then!

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