Thursday, May 20, 2010

38 Buttons

There was an interesting article in the newspaper today regarding toilets. Yes, we have to use it everyday, no doubt, at least once a day… although I hope for your health's sake, it's a few more than once!

Anyways, the article started off with warm toilet seats. I know it wouldn't really matter to dudes who have the option of using the urinals or stand… although I know of a few dudes who actually sit to take a piss, which I fully support as you're very sure piss is not going to sprinkle everywhere and anywhere. But that's to be saved for another blog entry. The article went on to talk about toilets in Japan. Amazing toilets to be precise, complete with fake water gushing sounds, extra buttons to ensure that you have a fresh bowl each time and a wash function. Ahh… brings back happy memories. If you haven't been to Japan, or come across a toilet of that caliber, you really need to!

Meanwhile, the writer has discovered the mother of all automated Japanese toilets and it has 38 buttons! I can't for the life of me start to think what one would do with the buttons and how big your toilet would have to be in order to fit this super automated toilet. One for a fresh bowl, one for the fake noise and one for the wash function… maybe two as you can choose to wash your body part that's closer to the front of the bowl or further. Other than that, I really can't think of anything else except that you'd have probably wet your pants before you even sat on it because it would look like you've walked into an alternate universe for toilets!

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