Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ap-pa kohm, om-ma kohm, ae-gee kohm...

My apologies, but I have this song stuck in my head and I haven't been able to get rid of it! For those of you who're not into Korean nursery rhymes, it's a song about three bears where kohm's are bears and ap-pa, om-ma and ae-gee are daddy, mommy and baby respectively. The rhyme is catchy and goes something like this.

There once lived three bears in a house, daddy bear, mommy bear, baby bear.
Daddy bear is fat, mommy bear is slim and baby bear is cute!
Ooseuk, ooseuk, you're doing well.

Kohm seh-mari ga han jibbehissuh, ap-pa kohm, om-ma kohm, ae-gee kohm.
Ap-pa kohm-eun doong-doong eh, om-ma kohm-eun nalsshineh, ae-gee kohm-eun nomo keeuhwuh!
Ooseuk, ooseuk, chal handa.

Looks like you learnt something new today, didn't you? *grin*

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